Baby Thayne was born on Saturday, January 12, 2008 at Logan Regional Hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and is 20 inches. Here is a sneak peek for all of you....Tracy can post more pictures when she gets home and settled. He is such a little cutie pie!
This is less than a half hour after he was born. This was our very first look at little Thayne. We were all waiting in the waiting room and Cody came up to the window in the nursery and showed us what he looked like through the window. The glass was thick and we were trying to ask Cody all the details about how much he weighed and how Tracy should have seen our sign language because we couldn't hear each other!!! Cody is such a proud daddy and so cute with him. (Sorry about the bright glare, as I said it was taken through the window).
Here is the proud mommy. She is going to be such a good mother! Tracy and the baby are doing well.