Thayne got to have his first sleep-over with grandma Jill, while Cody and I were at the hospital...I don't know how much sleep grandma got, but Thayne loved it....He loves to go to grandma Jill's house!!
I had to show the beautiful blankets that Kaycee received from her great-grandma's.....the first two where made by great-grandma Wickham and the third one by great-grandma Toolson!! Thanks
Kind-of sad.....Kaycee's newborn clothes no longer fit!! Before you know it she is....................
2 Months old!!!
She is such a good baby! Sleeps well at night...right next to me in my bed (I don't know if it is a good thing or not....but a lot easier on the night feedings!) She loves to smile and talk! We love her!
And Thayne...he's been up to a lot lately.........
Hiding places..............
making himself a sand which.....butter and lotion on his face.......and all over the fridge and couch!!
playing with his "telasmoke"......a.k.a. a tampon!