5 Years
A lot of talent to fit in on one night! Good! Thanks to grandma Jill for having a spend over with Thayne, and Aunt Brandi for watching Kaycee. We left her for 5 hours-the longest in her life! The first date we've been on since Kaycee was born.
I have to mention that I got my love for George Strait from Barbara and Kellee Eyre! I remember Kellee listening to him when she was in high school and Barbara in our college years.
We ventured to Willow Park this past week. This is Thaynes latest move...really quite funny!
Cody's new love-BO
Cody would pull Thayne around in the sled this winter for hours!
This little helper can hear any sound in the house and know what she wants to do, I can't open the dishwasher without her climbing in!
Thayne loves dice, he carries them around everywhere.