Wow!.....Is summer really almost over? I guess with kids keeping you on your toes, time flies! I have to start with Thayne and rocks. Him and his b.f.f. Benjamin where suppose to be riding their bikes in the garage, not exactly what I found when I went to check on them. They had the gas tank lid off the four wheeler-Thanye being the boss he is (don't have any idea where he gets it:) is supervising-while Benjamin using the little gardening shovel is filling the gas tank up with rocks! Yes......all the way up! I just turned around and headed back in to the house and yelled "Cody". Luckily for the boys, Cody was in getting dressed to go to the temple (James and Amber where receiving their endowments and getting sealed to their kids the next week.) he didn't say too much. While on the subject of rocks......they are everywhere. Kaycee's diaper, our not so kid-friendly neighbors lawn and oh..... about 10 in my washer.
In the same week, I had Thayne's bed room window open airing his room out. I hear the water turn on outside..........go to check on him.......I hear..."Mom I'm trying to get it in my window". Yep water running in his room. Boys.Boys.Boys!