Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sand.........everywhere!!! (Ask's not very fun to get out of you hair!!)

You can"t hide the slobber running down your belly when playing in the sand! You buy a boy a sandbox and he still leans over and plays with rocks!! Go figure! Thayne usually always has a rock in his hand or pocket....cheep toys!
Josslynns B-day.....

Peyton and Thayne zoned in on cartoons. Thayne loves "CI"....aka..Caillou! He is also attacked to his blanket.

Cody loves to hide anywhere and call Thaynes name then scare him to death!

Ya......I didn't think he would actually ride it......

butt!!!!!! He did!?!?!


Emily said...

I love the pic of him and Cody in the closet. So cute. And the bare buns on the bounce and spin, funny!

TinaBean said...

Yes, Ava will definitely testify that sand is BUMMY to get out of hair! These are all cute pics! It's about time you updated :). Thayne is such a little him.

Leslie said...

I have been wanting to get Kaysen a sandbox--I think he would love it. Let's get together sometime--we haven't seen you guys forever!